Thursday, December 30, 2004


What a mess. The Washington state gubernatorial race is "over". Gregoire "won", Rossi "lost". The final margin: 129 votes. Like it matters, they could count it a thousand times and come up with different numbers each time, it's just too tight. I don't think that a revote will clarify matters any. What we need is a nominee that people really care about, that unites us, and that really stands for something good and worthwhile. None of these people did that for me (though I did vote for the current winner). A final word: I don't understand why Rossi decides now to bring up the "illegitimate governor" thing- if he had won it would have been just as "illegitimate". All right, that's enough "quoting" for this post.

All that I'm saying is that it stinks.

I'm referencing this article.

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