Sunday, January 23, 2005


ladies and gentlement: we've scored. This may be old news to some, but has been a revelation for me. I used to not listen to music online because, well, we've only got a dialup connection. There was no way to suffer through the frequent rebuffering process. A total interruption. With the 24kbps feeds (starting on page 2), I've had zero interruptions (except when I try to open, like, 10 web pages at once- but that is expected). So here's to aacPlus! The guy who invented that dererves his millions (I hope he got them). It sounds great.

Here's the really cool part. With one of those $25 dollar fm transmitters I can listen to it on my stereo in the other room- and not be on the computer! I know, I know, when would that ever be. Well, for me, that is oftener than it must be for you. I plan to modify the transmitter to take a wall wart so it isn't the most expensive radio station on the planet. I'll see if I can make a post about it.

Thank you tuner2.

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